Hello Lovelies,
I realised the other day that I said I would blog about my progress with the dieting and exercise I have been doing over the past few months. So, I'm here to fill you in on what has happened throughout my journey.
If you have read my blog before you would have seen that I was on the Juice Plus diet - which consisted of drinking shakes to replace meals in order to speed up your metabolism as well as supply you with the healthy stuff, like vitamins etc, that are in the shakes. When I started I was feeling really positive about the whole thing and couldn't wait to start seeing results like what everyone else had or seemed to have.
I did the Juice Plus diet for a month and didn't see any progress whatsoever. Considering I had flipped my whole lifestyle on its head by eating a fraction of the amount I used to eat because I was replacing my meals with shakes, only eating meat, vegetables and fruit, and exercising 3 times a week and more, I assumed the weight would fall off me pretty quickly - because I'd changed and because I was trying and working really hard. But nothing. I would constantly go onto the Facebook page and feel so disappointed with myself that I hadn't managed to lose as much weight as all the other woman had who are on the same thing. I felt a failure. It was awful. It wasn't as if I was trying to lose a lot of weight I just wanted to lose a stone to start off with just to see what I felt and looked liked after. I wanted to be and feel healthy, as well as, look really good and feel so much more confident. After talking to one of my close friends who was also on the diet the same time as me, she also felt the same way and together we decided to stop with the diet as it clearly wasn't working for us. Which was a huge shame as it seems to be 110% successful for everyone else, just not me.
After having a week off from dieting and exercising to try and figure out what I was to do next, my mum suggested that I try Slimming World. I have and had heard incredible things about this diet. My mum was on it and lost a stone just from eating healthily and being more careful. Numerous women from work had had dramatic weight loss from the diet and the best thing? They have kept it off the entire time since starting dieting till now which is exactly what I want and need. So, I thought I would give it a try.
It's possibly the best diet I have ever been on! The guides are so helpful and have step to step pages on what you're allowed to eat and what you're not (which isn't a lot which is great) I'm allowed 3 meals a day, which means I am never hungry and I am always left completely satisfied with what I have had and do not crave any bad foods - which is fab! I'm still early days yet as its only been my 2nd week on the diet but I feel great and I am positive this one will work this time.
Do you know how I know? Because I've already lost half a stone!!! How amazing is that? I reckon that is the two diets combined, as I can't imagine I have done that in just a week but its great to finally see and feel results. I still have a long way to go and I am heading towards losing at least another stone if not a stone and a half which will be a total of 2 stone! I am continuing exercising throughout, swimming, aerobics, boxfit and even the 30 day squat challenge! So, fingers crossed I will get there before my girls holiday in June! But so far so good :)
I will try and keep taking pictures of my progress to show you all that it really does work :)
Keep the faith!