Good afternoon Lovelies,
Hope you're all having a good day so far!
I am fully aware I haven't blogged in a while, especially when it comes to my motivational posts, which is awful and I am very sorry.
I have had a lot of people come up to me and ask when my next one was going to be as with all the assignments and exams over the next few months, many of you are feeling bogged down, stressed and unmotivated. Well, I've listened to you all and I am here to help (as best I can anyway!).
I too am feeling the strain of last minute assignment/exam preparations and the excitement of nearly finishing uni forever is being masked by the panic and anxiety of moving on and no longer being a student. Fear not you lovely, lovely people because there's nothing to be scared of.
Although, the consensus seems to be that many students, near graduates, are feeling the pressure of finding a new job, especially one that is in the field they have studied, and unfortunately are finding it extremely difficult and time consuming. So, in the famous words of Dory;
"Just Keep Swimming!"
Life is too short to get stressed out about job applications and wondering when your career will start and you'll start living the lifestyle you have always wanted. I have heard many people say things like "I can't do it", "I'm unemployable" and "I haven't got time/I've got too much work to do". That's not positive now, is it? If you couldn't do it and were finding things THAT difficult then you wouldn't have got this far in the first place. In order to 'do it' and achieve it, you have to put the work in - and although it seems like a hard slog now, we all know how amazing it is going to feel once we've done it and we're free!
You're not unemployable. No one is really unemployable. You're just not what they're looking for right there and then. I know it is easy me saying this but it's the truth. Although, I believe we have to work hard for everything we do and achieve in order to reap any benefits, I also believe that it has to be the right time and place. I am fortunate enough to have a job in an amazing company with the role of 'Trainee PR and Social Media Account Executive" and I constantly sat there analysing and trying to understand 'Why me?' out of everybody who has been in and out of that department during work experience, why was I the chosen one?But, one day I realised I shouldn't be questioning why because I am the why. Not only have I worked hard and managed to achieve many different skills over a number of different work experience placements, I am also willing to work hard, work as a team easily and jump as high as I need to in order to impress somebody. But, you know what the other thing is? You could be the hardest working person in the world and still not get a job - but it's not because you're unemployable, it's just that no one has given you the opportunity you need or deserve in order to stand out above the rest... Yet! It will happen, for some it happens sooner than others, you have to keep the faith and keep working hard because one day someone will notice that you don't give up and will want you to be part of their team in no time. Keep going! Don't give up because if you do and you stop trying how is anyone going to realise or notice just how good you truly are and how much of an asset you would be to said company/employer.

Another point I wanted to make during this post was about weight loss. I know a lot of my posts recently have been about me losing weight and achieving my perfect bikini body. However, this part of the post will look at YOU guys! I have had the most positive feedback from my last weight loss post and was overwhelmed with happiness. Another thing, many of you have been asking for my help on how to achieve YOUR summer body and what sorts of things I'm doing in order to lose the weight, tone up and keep it off. If anyone would have told me I would be helping people with their weight loss and keeping them motivated I would have laughed and said you were joking - but here I am and I couldn't be more happier to help. I know I'm not the skinniest girl in the world, nor do I want to be. I just want to be healthy and happy, so the purpose of this post is to help you lot feel the same :)
They say it is 80% what you eat and 20% how you exercise - When I first heard this I was so shocked and slightly disheartened as I love my food and thought exercise would have been the main route to take in order to lose the weight. But, the first thing I have to say before I say anything else, is that you MUST MUST MUST be in the correct frame of mind. There is absolutely no point trying to do this if you can't be bothered or are not too serious about it as it will completely backfire and not work - believe me I've been there. It took me a long, long time to get motivated and in the right frame of mind, but again it's about the right time and place, and things just start happening! I joined the gym and have been going 3 times a week as well as eating a lot healthier - living off jacket potatoes, salad and water! So, if I can do it, so can you! It's as simple as that. But it doesn't happen over night.
I've heard this all too often, in my own head aswell, how we want results straight away and want to feel/look good as soon as we start. I'm afraid to say lovelies, it doesn't work like that. It would be amazing if it did don't get me wrong, plus, You'll have good days, and you'll have bad days BUT you can't beat the feeling of working hard for so long and finally seeing results, it's the biggest adrenaline rush ever! I have had many people tell me I look slimmer and congratulating me on doing so well so far, plus, I know I'll get there as I have set realistic expectations of how I will look/want to look by the time June comes along. The one thing I will stress to you guys is don't worry so much! Enjoy it, make it part of your routine and go and make yourself happy! If you have a bad day (and believe me, it will happen!) don't beat yourself up about it, use it as fuel to start your next day with a much more positive and go-getting attitude! Always remember;
A new day is a new start!
Every single day provides us with another opportunity to either make the wrong things we did right or better ourselves even more than yesterday. You can do this, the only person who needs to believe it is, you!
Hope you're feeling much more motivated today Lovelies!
Don't forget; you CAN do this!