Ok, so I haven’t actually done a motivational blog post in a
while and it's not a Monday (which makes me a terrible blogger, bad Hope!) but I was talking to one
of my lovely friends this morning who suggested I should do one, and basically,
I couldn’t think of any reasons why not… So, here I am!
Over the past month or so my Facebook and Twitter feed has
been bombarded with University students, first, second and third years, all
expressing their joy at the results they have received and uploading pictures
from graduation! So first of all I want to say CONGRATULATIONS to every single
individual out there who is pleased/happy with their amazing results! You have
bragging rights and deserve to show off the ear to ear smile you have plastered
on your face – huge well done to you guys!
I don’t actually get my results until next week and I couldn’t
be more scared. Every time I think about it the butterflies start stirring in
my stomach, my heart starts thumping and a wave of sickness comes over me. I
just desperately want to do well. Over the past three years I have worked so
hard and given it my all… So, regardless of what happens, I know I will get the
grade I deserve.
Speaking of working hard. Do you ever get the feeling that
no matter what you do or how hard you work the universe just has a way of making
it feel worthless? Yeah I do.
Sometimes, it doesn’t matter what you do or how hard you
Sometimes, it just isn’t the right time or place – how cliché
does that sounds? But it’s the truth.
Ok, an example? I can give you an example. My own example!
I have finished University (still waiting for my results and to graduate) but
during my time I have completed numerous work placements, as well as, studying
and working part time. I have done this for two reasons 1) I actually wanted
to, I like to be busy and feel like I’m using my time in the best way possible
and 2) I am constantly thinking about my future and my career so thought
gaining as much as experience as possible, as well as, a degree would be the best
way to secure my future quickly after finishing University. I thought everything was pretty much sorted. I
felt secure and confident with my future after university. But, low and behold,
things don’t always go to plan. I don’t have a job. I have been spending every
day since I left university searching for jobs, and luckily, found some that
sounds perfect and exactly what I am looking for, however, haven’t heard
anything back. So, although I have a lot of experience, a degree and a pretty
impressive CV, I’m still unemployed and finding things rather difficult – which
I didn’t plan for, so I’m in a bit of a rut at the moment.

I bet you’re reading this thinking ‘gosh, this is
depressing! Where’s the motivational part?’
Don’t worry I’m getting to that part right now.
After conversing with a few of my friends who are in the exact same position as
me, jobless and feeling more and more bored and frustrated as the days go on, I
just couldn’t understand why we were in this situation. All of us are talented
in our own ways, have valuable experience and are pretty awesome people – so what
is making us so unemployable? Well, nothing. It’s not that we’re not
employable, in fact, we’re a damn catch! It’s literally just not the right time
or place for me, or my friends, or any of you who are feeling the same.
Does that mean you give up? Hell no! Do you know what the
best thing is about being unemployed? You’re not committed to anything so you
can use your time do anything you have always wanted to do!
What about that volunteering opportunity you have always wanted to do but never
have the time? Now you do!
What about how you have always wanted to travel but never found the right time
or place? Hello?! It’s here! Right now! I know you need money but just work in
any job for a while to keep you occupied and get you to where you want to be!
And simply, you deserve a rest after 3 years of working your ass off to get
where you are today? You have the rest of your life to work full time and build
up your career – a month or two off won’t hurt! In fact, it’ll probably help
you on your way to what you REALLY want and gives you time to think and do
things for yourself, rather than things you’re ‘expected’ to do.

So, as much as it is annoying and frustrating not having a job straight after
University and it feels worthless to work hard for all that time, just
remember, it isn’t worthless, you are exactly where you are supposed to be, no
matter where or what that is. Use your time to do the things you want to do. It
may not be the right time or place for your dream job but it is the right time
and place to do the things you have always wanted to do as you have no
commitments, no uni work and all the time in the world. When it’s supposed to
happen, it will! I know it. Just keep on believing and it will happen. Just go
and have fun, or do something you want – what harm will it do?

Although, this should be a happy, joyful time where we
should celebrate the past three years and look forward to our future as
everything we have worked towards is here. There are, again, days where you
lost all hope. Lose motivation, determination and cannot find inspiration
anywhere. Give over, inspiration is all around you, you just need to open your
eyes. There are people you know who are doing things right now that can inspire
and motivate you to keep going. Like;
An old friend from high school who was diagnosed with cancer years ago, beat
it, and is using his experiences to his
advantage and studying Diagnostic Radiography at university – I mean
how awesome is that?
Or a friend, who hasn’t always had the confidence to
do what they wanted, but saw an opportunity to go to London to do a Film Critic
course, and went. Simple as that.
Or family members who every single day show their
compassion, patience and sheer incredibility with the things they do, like
being a foster parent, working with elderly people who have Dementia and making
their lives easier or working with mentally ill patients.
A friend, when nothing was going their way and could have
easily given up, used this opportunity to do something she has always wanted to
do and turned her hobby into a career and is becoming extremely successful –
Seriously guys, there are ordinary people doing ordinary
things who surround you every single day who are doing things that are just
simply, inspiring. Don’t forget to look closer to home for inspiration, motivation
and determination because I pretty much guarantee you will find it.
I hope you feel a little more motivated after reading this,
because, that’s the point J
And don’t be too harsh on yourselves. You, as an individual, can be your
toughest critic, so just relax, take some time out and really think about all
the things you want to do, because now is the time to do them!