Thursday, 16 January 2014


As an avid social media fan, I am always on the look-out for campaigns that grab my attention, especially those that I can get involved in, myself. Personally, I find Twitter to be my ‘go to’ hub for information and I can always rely on the amazing people of the Twittersphere to let me know of anything new, especially @SpamellaB and @OriginalRogue (these girls know EVERYTHING!).

So, 100 happy days? But surely, that’s impossible! Well not according to this new social campaign!
They claim “We live in times when super-busy schedules have become something to boast about. While the speed of life increases, there is less and less time to enjoy the moment that you are in. The ability to appreciate the moment, the environment and yourself in it, is the base for the bridge towards long term happiness of any human being.”
Which, in one sense, is very true. Sad but true.
They also say that 71% of people who do this challenge, give up half way through because they don’t have enough time.

Don’t have enough time to be happy? Insane!

Don’t get me wrong, I have days where I find myself in a downward spiral of not knowing what I want, or where I want to go and ultimately this makes me unhappy. I like to be in control of myself and my future – this isn’t always possible. But what is possible is making ourselves happy – pretty much forcing ourselves to smile, be positive and grateful! We need to make time to sit back, relax and realise how lucky we are, which can make us understand and recognise how happy we are. Happiness can be so easily misplaced in our complicated, busy worlds. Simple things like, both your eyeliner flicks are symmetrical one morning, you find £1 on the floor, someone held the door open for you, or someone said/did something to make you smile, it is very easy to get lost in moments and forget to smile.

This challenge is allowing us to take a few minutes, minutes we are surely entitled to, out of our day to document the things that have made us smile on that particular day, for 100 days. You can upload your images to your preferred platform i.e. Twitter, Instagram or Facebook.


I chose to use Instagram as this easily one of my favourite social platforms but I can also feed through to my Twitter.

If you’re planning to join myself and the many others in this challenge then register here 100 Happy Days and upload your images to your platform using the hashtag #100HappyDays or create your own! And let’s see if we can stop taking those lovely, little moments/people/memories for granted and just be happy.

Here’s my first #100HappyDays post, dedicated to my wonderful best friends who always make me happy! To see the rest please follow me on Instagram or Twitter @hopegorton


Saturday, 11 January 2014

Outfit post #24 - my 2013

Happy (belated) New Year!
Wow, 2014 already - didn't 2013 fly by? Saying that, 2014 looks like it's about to do the same seen as we're almost half way through January! In my opinion the sooner January finishes the better, not a fan of being skint and having the Christmas blues!

Hope you all had a fabulous time and didn't celebrate too hard? ;) I had a great time with my nearest and dearest and couldn't wait to start a new year! I haven't made any resolutions this year, as to be honest, I don't really believe in them. If I want to do something, I'll do it and if I don't, I won't! I'm just going to continue what I have been doing, as let's be fair, it seems to be working for me so far. Simple - I have promised myself I will be more healthy and start my exercise regime all over again but I'm not going too torture myself over it. Plus, this year is all about putting my all into the build up of my career and start putting some savings away so I have a good start to my future!

Anyway, enough about the new year and my anti-resolutions.
Here's to my 2013 in outfits! I have had some good ones and also looking back - I did kind of say to myself "What were you doing?" but that's the fun with fashion, something that looked good at that moment in time, doesn't always look good in another years time.

My 2013 has been a bit of a rollercoaster - I've had numerous ups and downs. But the one thing that has never let me down is my wardrobe :)

2013 hasn't been a hugely successful year regarding being adventurous or trying new things, but towards the end of the year I felt like I was starting to get better with my spending and fashion choices. There are some outfits above, especially the early ones in the year, where I know I wouldn't wear it again or would style it differently, but that's what I love about fashion - there's always room to play around and try something new, and if you look back and dislike your choices you can learn from them and start again. 

I have started to pick and buy staple pieces that can be worn with numerous other staple pieces so I am saving money but still wearing different outfits but with the same pieces. My fluffy black jumper, black and white pointy heels, pencil skirts and black camisole have been some of the pieces I have not stopped wearing and will continue to wear for many years to come. The only thing I need right now is a WHITE SHIRT - I cannot find one anywhere - so if anyone knows of anywhere, please let me know. 

This is the start of my 2014 outfit collection. I have loved each and every single one of my outfits in 2014 and cannot wait to get dressed in the morning and find new things to wear. 

If you want a constant update of my #ootd then follow me on Instagram - all my images are posted on there and feel free to ask me any questions or post a comment, always happy to talk :)

Happy 2014 here's to a super chic, fashionable one!

Monday, 6 January 2014

A year online - 2013

2012 was always going to be hard to follow, let alone beat after an incredible year filled with jubilation and excitement that surrounded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee and the Olympics. However, it could be argued that 2013 has been equally successful especially in regards to social media campaigns and viral videos. 2013 has definitely been one of the most social years to date.

There are 100s of brands on a variety of different social platforms, all creating content to grab your attention, increase conversations/sales and wanting to become the ‘next big thing’. So, to try and find the best social media campaigns EVER during 2013 is almost impossible, as there are so many. I’ve decided to share with you some of my personal favourite campaigns, viral videos and popular topics/trends of 2013.

There were some pretty impressive social media campaigns but one of my favourites has to be the world famous Oreo tweet sent during the black out at the Superbowl. Oreo saw an opportunity, seized it and played it to its highest advantage. Greatly simple or simply great? I’m going to go with the latter.

I’m a sucker. And I mean a big one. Anything that can pull on your heartstrings, make tears well up in your eyes and make your tummy summersault is a winner in my eyes. These sorts of campaigns tend to be the ones that people relate to most and want to be seen as a supporter of such a topic. There were so many to choose from, but I have managed to narrow it down to three.

The first graced our Facebook news feeds in March this year and lead to over 120 percent more users changing their profile picture on Tuesday 26th. This was the powerful social media campaign lead by the HRC (Human Rights Campaign) to support equality in marriage, especially for the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender community. I was one of those users who changed their profile picture – this was a campaign that proved there is a huge majority of the world who believe in marriage equality and were more than happy, and somewhat proud, to show their support.

The next is also another non-for-profit organisation who used the powers of Facebook to promote their charitable work. UNICEF sent out a pretty powerful, hard hitting message to its Facebook following; “Like us on Facebook, and we will vaccinate zero children against polio”. Pretty harsh, right? Wrong! This was the perfect message to send out to the public to prove that no matter how many likes or followers a social platform has, it isn’t going to change the world but it helps to get the messages needed across.

The third one has to be one of my favourite campaigns of all time. I am a huge fan of previous campaigns that have been created by Dove but this one is just amazing. The video that was created for this campaign can only be described as pure genius – women describe themselves to an artist, they draw what they hear – the same happens but someone else describes the same woman and the images in comparison to one another are simply incredible. This is highlight how women are their biggest critics and should stop being so harsh on themselves – a lesson I think most individuals can relate to.

There are also campaigns and virals that simply make you smile. It’s as simple as that. For the few minutes you take out of your day to witness these campaigns/virals they make you feel happy and that everything is right in the world.

Then there are the viral videos that you just so happen to come across when someone has shared it on Facebook or you read about it online. Some are fun, easy-viewing designed to create giggles but some provide warmth in your heart and sometimes make you feel things that you never thought were possible. I didn’t have to think about these, nor did I have to do any research, as these were pretty obvious decisions; San Fran Batkid and West Jet Christmas. I fill with joy just thinking about them let alone watching them again.

For those of you who don’t know what these are (shame on you!) here’s a brief summary of the two.
San Fran Batkid – what a hero! Five year old, Miles Scott has been in remission for Leukaemia for the past four years was given the chance by the Make A Wish Foundation to become Batman or Batkid for the day. Volunteers and employees of the foundation did everything they could to make the streets of San Francisco turn into a real life Gotham City, where he would work alongside the ‘real’ batman fighting crime and doing things that superheroes do. Now, at the moment this is just a lovely story about a young boy, suffering with cancer being granted a once in a lifetime opportunity and honouring the amazing work that the Make A Wish Foundation do… Not so! Once the citizens of San Francisco caught wind of what was going on, through numerous tweets, hundreds of people lined the streets to witness and cheer on Batkid whilst he was saving the city. Just amazing. Social media is such a powerful tool, and can do ANYTHING (ok, maybe not anything, but it can help with a lot!) it brings communities together and allows conversations to start where anybody from around the world can join in and be a part of something bigger. 

Another great example of how social media can be used for the greater good and for selfless ways was the moment a plea popped up on everyone’s Facebook news feed and was retweeted throughout Twitter. Harold Percival, a war veteran sadly passed away at the age of 99 in 2013, who had never married or had any children was facing his death and funeral alone, however the power of social media came into play, the news spread across Twitter and Facebook pleading for people who had spare time and lived near the area (or wanted to travel) to turn up to his funeral so he wasn’t on his own. The result? Up to 300 people arrived on the day of Harold’s funeral and gave him the send-off he deserved – if that doesn’t give you goose bumps then I don’t know what will.

I don’t feel like I need to say anything about the West Jet Christmas video as it simply speaks for itself. Enjoy.

So, I’ve discussed the ones that make you cry and fill you with joy, the ones that make an impact or provide a powerful message, but what about the ones that a just fun and get you physically involved?
Co-operative Food hosted a fantastic campaign called Tweet4aTable. This was where followers of the Co-operative Food twitter page could tweet at any time of the day to secure themselves a table at the pop up Tweet4aTable restaurants. This was a brilliant campaign that allowed Twitter users to get involved physically and received something in return, but also promotes the Co-operative food itself. If you want more information from someone who actually ate at one of the pop up restaurants then I recommend reading the amazing blog by Pamela Bustard.

We’ve (finally) come to the end of my year online. There were hundreds of campaigns and viral videos I could have wrote about, but we would literally be here forever. These are some of my favourites, and all my opinions are my own. Hope you enjoyed reading and hopefully there was at least one that made an impact on you today just like they all did for me.

WAIT… I couldn’t finish this blog without letting you watch this fantastic video (if you haven’t already seen it). I don’t care what anyone says, I seriously LOVE this.


Hope you all had an amazing Christmas and New year! Here's to a successful, happy 2014!