Hello lovelies,
So, I bet you're wondering why I'm doing a motivational post on a weekend! Well, the topic is relevant to today and there's no time like the present. So, here I am.
You've probably all heard of the app 'Time Hop' - at first I wasn't too bothered about it but I'm so glad I decided to download it.
For those of you who don't know what it is, Time Hop is an app you can link up to your social media platforms and it will give you a variety of posts from the past, from years go. They can be anything from 1 year ago to 5 years ago.
I love it because I love to be nostalgic. I love to look back on the past and all the memories I made. Every time I open Time Hop it makes me smile, like really smile. I like that.
Anyway, today I opened it and it has been exactly one year since I found out I would be graduating from the University of Chester with a 2:1 in Public Relations and Media Studies.
This made me smile but it also shocked me! I cannot believe how quickly this year has gone, it really puts into perspective how different your life can become in such a short space of time.
And then it hit me. I have achieved so much in a year! I'm actually really proud of myself.
I landed a job in the industry I wanted as a Digital Account Executive
I realised who my true friends are and I'm enjoying spending as much time with them as possible.
I realised what I want and what I don't want from a relationship, and realised just how strong I am on my own. I don't need anyone else to define me. I'm the only person who can do that.
I've saved up and put my money into things that a year ago, I thought were just a dream. I got my boob job, bought a new car, booked a holiday with my girls and I'm taking a trip to NY!
And the biggest of them all... Well, that will become public knowledge soon ;)
I can't believe how much has changed in one year, and all for the better!
There's so much more in the pipeline for me too and I get excited just at the thought of my future.
So, if you're recently graduated or going to be graduating in the next couple of months and are panicking because you don't know what you're supposed to do with your time now. Don't worry!
If you're not enjoying your job, want to change careers or don't have a clue what to do. Don't worry!
Everything will work out. I promise
As long as you keep dreaming, I mean keep dreaming big, keep working hard and enjoy yourself at the same time - there is no reason why you can't achieve and do everything you want!
I've always been a dreamer. I dream of all the different jobs I want to do or have a go at, all the places I want to go and see, the cars I want to own, the happiness I want to have and the love I want to share with everyone. And some people see this as a flaw. I don't.
I see this as my wish list - to make sure I stay motivated and keep aiming high and achieving all that I want to.
So, basically if I can do it, so can you! Just believe in yourself, be yourself and be happy!
You can do it! Just keep going, keep dreaming and keep striving for more.
No matter what anyone tells you, there is nothing wrong with wanting more for yourself. It's your life, do whatever you want with it!
To keep myself motivated (and so you can see what I mean) here is what I aim to achieve in the next year;
1) Save up enough money to either put a deposit down on a house or flat, so I can finally move out of my family home
2) Be promoted or in another position and working my way up the career ladder
3) Start doing more freelance consultancy work, to build up my experience, contacts and skills
4) Save up to go on a BIG holiday with the girls, maybe somewhere like Australia, Thailand or Vegas
5) Attend as many conferences, networking events as possible
6) Make at least one person smile or laugh, every day
7) Fall in love
8) Treat myself to a new designer handbag, to congratulate myself on achieving all that I have
9) Be even happier than I am right now!
10) Be a better version of myself than right now!
Looking forward to seeing what another year brings!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Forever Hopeful