Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Motivational Monday #10

Good Evening Lovelies,
I  know this Motivational Monday post is a couple of days late but it's my TENTH one! How exciting! I hope someone, somewhere has read at least on of my blogs and somehow felt inspired and had a more positive, productive day because of it.

Ok, sometimes the topics for these posts just comes to me through the day but sometimes I seen images on Twitter on Pinterest that have made a difference to my day and hopefully by sharing them with you, you will feel the same way.

Yesterday I seen this image and automatically fell in love with it;

How good is this? It really puts life into perspective in the simplest way. This sort of image is good to keep around and remember you have it when you need it. Life should be about the small moments and concentrating on the minutes, hours, months and years you have left in order to make your life the best it can possibly be! Just like the late Abraham Lincoln once said;

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years."

And he couldn't be more correct! I actually had a extremely interesting lecture today, we had a guest lecturer in order to give us third years some insight into the working world and how to kick start your careers, and I learnt more in those two hours than what I have in a fair few months (horrible to admit). If I learnt anything today it was to dream big and not be afraid to dream big! Take the bad, negative moments that you have and take them on the chin - do not make them your life or who you are! I also learnt that its ok to not know what you want to do with your life right now but you must decided and say yes to any opportunities that you just can't pass up - no matter where it is or how much you're being paid. My dream in life is to have a job that doesn't feel like a job. I want to do something I enjoy and ultimately love, and don't mind waking up in the morning to get there. For the past few weeks I've been feeling rather lost about my future, and felt like I was on the verge of an emotional break down regarding my career, future and growing up but I feel so confident about where I'm going and where I want to be. It's ok for you not to know what you want to do right now, or even in the next year or 5 but as long as you make the most of every single second of your life and grasp any opportunities that are thrown at you and you are guaranteed to enjoy your life and ultimately be happy!

Another topical issue I wanted to discuss in this weeks Motivational Monday blog post is women and their image. I recently seen on Twitter, a young girl around 15 years old, retweeted another young with a similar age with a post such as;

"why do some girls look amazing with their hair tied up, baggy tee-shirt & leggings and I look like a scruff?"

I think it's really sad that in today's society women, especially young girls, feel like they need to compare themselves to others and when they don't meet similar expectations they ultimately feel down about the way they look and feel less attractive. Young girls, from their friends, parents, other family members and teachers, should be taught to focus on the positive aspects about themselves that they should learn to love. So if they're into fashion, they should be told what does look good on them so they can focus on what they can do, and not what they can't and then compare themselves to others.

We are all individuals and we all look different, if we all looked the same what would be the point? It would be boring! I have made a promise to myself and my unborn children that I will always make sure my children feel loved and adequate in society, especially when it comes to their opinions of themselves and others. I would be lying if I said I don't look at other women sometimes and wish I was as skinny as them, or as pretty as them or was more successful but that doesn't mean I don't love who I am. I am extremely proud of who I am and what I have achieved, and I know my strengths and weaknesses. I also know how to play them both to my advantage which is something that I think everybody should know. Children should be confident and have no worries about what they look like, they should only be concerned with what Barbie doll to choose to play with because they have too many not what is the best make-up to use because the girl sat next to her in class wears it! Children should be children, and it upsets me that these children who are concerned with growing up too quickly then mature into adults with low self-esteem and no confidence - everyone should be happy with who they are, a bit of competition is healthy, but not to obsess about it and make it become their life!

Hope you enjoyed my post for today Lovelies!

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