There is no one in this world I can honestly say I hate.
Literally no one. Hate requires too much effort and just isn’t something I can
However, there is one person who never fails to get my blood
One person that ever fails to leave a feeling of frustration and annoyance.
One person who’s opinion I cannot abide, as to be quite honest I think she
talks a lot of shit (excuse my language).
That one person is… Katie Hopkins.
I can imagine most of you are nodding your heads in
agreement. She is a pretty vile opinionated little woman.
I am all for the expressions ‘each to their own’ and ‘everyone
is entitled to their own opinion’ because I think we are, but surely there is a
line. As a (I would say pretty decent) human being I know when my opinions are
not wanted or do not need to be said, and should be kept to myself. In fact,
most of us know and pick up on social cues of when to keep our mouths shut.
Also, we have those ‘go to’ people in our lives who we can say whatever we like
to them and they will never judge us or feel ashamed by us.
On the other hand, there are individuals i.e. Katie Hopkins
who are socially deluded that they cannot understand or choose to simply ignore
said social cues and air their opinions for everyone to hear, no matter who
they offend or upset.
This is why I do not like Katie Hopkins (I don’t hate her
FYI, I don’t know her to hate her.)
She believes, for some reason, that her opinions matter to this world and that
we are much better off for knowing them. Wrong!
Now, the world wouldn’t change without them. We‘d still do the same things
every single day, such as, go to work, take our children to school, cook
dinner, see friends etc… But there would be a lot less frustration, annoyance,
offence and upset after hearing her ridiculous views.
So, we had the first initial This Morning settee discussion,
regarding children’s names. I won’t go into too much detail with this but
basically, Katie Hopkins believes that if children are called certain names
they are clearly from rubbish backgrounds, aren’t as intelligent as other
children and are badly behaved meaning she would not let her own children play
with any children with these names such as, Tyler, Tiffany etc… She blamed the
parents for being equally less intelligent that other adults and they weren’t
earning a honest living. She also cursed parents who name their children after
places – which Phillip Schofield was soon to point out that her own daughter
was called India! Slam Dunk, well done Mr Schofield.
So, although this did make me feel slightly unnerved and
wanted to scream at my television. I still felt the same as I always have,
everyone is entitled to their own opinion, no matter how much I or any others
disagree with it.
The one thing she has been doing recently, which I cannot
stand, is shaming other women. First, Peaches Geldof (who also gave her another
slam dunk), then Lily Allen (again, slam dunk from Miss Allen) and then turned a discussion into an personal insult match with Annabel Giles (yes, you
guessed it another slam dunk from this powerful lady).
She insulted Peaches Geldof as a mother
She called Lily Allen fat after ‘failing’ to lose her pregnancy weight and
branded she was only well-known because she has a famous father
and after being made a complete fool out of during the Big Benefits Row Live turned
to personally insulting Annabel by branding her ‘a model who never made it’
Katie just give up.
Since when did it become ok to publicly shame other women?
Especially other successful women!
As women we should be united together to build ourselves up, pay one another
compliments and strive to be a successful, powerful gender – not shame one
another through unnecessary insults about weight, motherhood, appearance and
career choices. We already have too many demons to deal with without one of our
own kind turning their backs on us.

Katie Hopkins is clearly an intelligent woman, but the way
she is going about it, she is also shunning herself. There is nothing worse
than someone with a negative, destructive frame of mind who is out to criticise your every
move – how on earth could she ever get someone to work for her? Everyone would
run a mile! Katie, seriously, use your intelligence and strong, domineering,
powerful woman status for good and help bring women out of the brink and become
successful. Rather than insulting and criticising them. Imagine if all the Katie
Hopkins of the world grouped together to help the less fortunate, we would have
an incredible society full of strong and ambitious women.
Come on, get it together!
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