Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Merry Christmas

Good Evening Lovelies!
Hope you have all had a wonderful day that has been full with happiness, food and presents! :)

I have had the most amazing day and was spoilt rotten - despite feeling poorly most of the day (sucks to be me!)

Christmas is easily one of my favourite times of the year as its an excuse to spend the whole day snuggled up in your new PJs, surrounded by the people you love, watching Christmas films/TV and eating lots of food! I have had a huge amount of Christmas spirit and have done for a fair few weeks before Christmas.

I thought I would share with you an image of my festive cheer.

I purchased this bow the other weekend to be able to wear it at work over the festive period! I think I totally rocked it.

Hope you received everything you had wished for this Christmas lovelies! Here's to a fantastic New Year 

1 comment:

  1. Blogi on väga kasulik! MetsaABC on parim metsa ülestöötamise ja majandamise teenuse pakkuja Eesti kohalikul metsaturul. Nende teenused hõlmavad hakkepuidu ostmist virnastatud võsa kujul ja Raiejäätmete ostmist. Hakkepuidu tootmiseks sobivad hästi paju- ja lepavõsa ning muud vähem väärtuslikud puuliigid. Samuti ei sobi erinev puit saematerjalile parasiitide või mädaniku tõttu. MetsaABC suudab pakkuda võsaostu jaoks parimat hinda, kuna neil on otsene kokkupuude koostootmisjaamadega. Teenuste kavandamisel peavad nad arvestama kliendi nõuete, ootuste ja visiooniga parimate võimalike teenuste pakkumisel. Erinevad raied, mida metsamajandamisel võib vaja minna, on valgustusraie, harvendusraie, lageraie, katkendlik raie.
    Raiejäätmete ost
    Metsa Hooldus
    Raiejäätmete müük
