Happy Monday Lovelies!
Hope everybody has had a great weekend - especially all you uni students who have finished for Christmas now (woohoo!)
It's that time of the week again, Motivational Monday! :)
Ok, so this motivational Monday is a bit of a rant as well as a motivational post. Basically, I have heard a large amount of people recently feeling sorry for themselves that things haven't gone the way they wanted them too or things are too hard so they 'can't be bothered' or are too lazy to change the things they are unhappy with in life. Well, do you know what I say to those kinds of people? More Fool You!
I am a strong believer in that, as an individual, you have to work your ass off for anything you want in life no matter how big or small! You can't just expect things to fall into place simply because you want them to or because that way everything would be simple - tough! Get up off your backside, face the world & tell them who's boss! Fight for what you want, if you want something enough, the battle will be hard but the outcome and end result will be worth it 10x over! And most of the time you end up getting exactly what you want. You're the only person who can change YOU and YOUR life, so do it - What's stopping you?
This leads on nicely to this next image -
"You've only got three choices in life:
Give up
Give in or
Give it all you've got."
Give up
Give in or
Give it all you've got."
This couldn't be more true than if it were to smack you point blank in the face. The most satisfying feeling is working SO hard at something, giving it everything you have, to have whatever you wanted at the end. Whether it's a new job/promotion, a lifetime ambition, completing a puzzle - anything! Outcomes are what you make them - if you have a dream or passion, or even just something you've always wanted to do/try - Do it, Live it, Dream it! Be whoever and wherever you want to be, you're the only person that's stopping you.
Baring this in mind I have cleared my thoughts & have programmed to push myself harder this year, crack on with all my University assignments, finish my Dissertation early and come out with the 2:1 I want and rightfully deserve after working hard! Plus, that means when all that is over I can go on holiday with my girls. There's always light at the end of the tunnel, sometimes it just takes longer to get there and find it.
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