Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Mission: Beach Body is a go!

Afternoon Lovelies,

I thought I would give you an update on how my diet is going so far.
I couldn't be happier. I'm seriously proud of myself for sticking to healthy foods and having absolutely no sugar, diary, wheat and caffeine - which is a big step as its a complete change in my usual diet.

I'm now on my fourth day and things are going really well, however, I did have a slip up last night. I ended up going on a spontaneous night out, which was absolutely brill, but wasn't good on behalf of my diet. In fairness I was really good for most of the night and sticking to vodka, soda and fresh lime/lemon and I surprisingly enjoyed it. But I'm such a sucker for peer pressure and cheap offers. Jagerbombs were only £1.50 and I was out with some old friends who I hadn't been out with in a long time, so I gave in. Silly Hope! I'm feeling a bit delicate today, plus, feeling guilty about my indulge in something as trivial as alcohol.

I'm not going to let this stop me though! At the end of the day I am a 20 year old student and I am bound to go out a few times and have a drink but as long as I stick to the rest of the diet and exercise regularly, hopefully, it shouldn't make much difference. Just because I'm on a diet doesn't mean I can't have fun right?!
I'm still 100% motivated and haven't fallen short yet and I plan to keep it that way :)

If you guys have Pinterest check out my Thinspiration board to see what I'm looking at to keep motivated!


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