Evening Lovelies,
I know my Motivational Monday is later than usual so I apologise. Although, surely it's never too late in the day to feel motivated?
So, I believe my first protocol of this post is to let you guys know if I achieved any of the things I said I was going to do at the end of last Monday's post.
1) I have written at least 2,000 words of my Dissertation and started looking into my Methodology.
So, I'm sorry to start this on a negative but I haven't written 2,000 words of my Dissertation but I did do the nest best thing and went to my tutor in hope for some direction and inspiration. That's exactly what I got! I have a whole new direction for my Dissertation and I can't wait to get started. So, looks like I've found some new motivation and I PROMISE I will have at least 2,000 if not more by next Monday post.
- I have started my next PR assignment, and (hopefully) written at least half.
Again, I haven't started this either. I have been terrible with Uni work at the moment but now I know what I need to do for my Dissertation I can balance my work a lot easier.
- I had a much needed weekend in and spent next to zero pounds to concentrate on my Uni work.
There's positives and negatives to this one. I didn't end up staying in but I didn't spend any money which was fab! I did a lot of research in the daytime on Saturday and then ended up going round to my friends in the evening for a night on the Karaoke - Great night!
- I sent at least 3 nice, random tweets to followers or not followers to make their day.
Yay! This is the one statement I stuck too and did with great success. I came across a couple of bloggers of the last week and their blogs really inspired me so I just had to let them know & I got some really awesome feedback.
- I will post a much longer and more motivational blog post.
Well, I'll let you guys judge this one for yourselves!
Now, onto the motivating!
I seen this image this morning on Facebook and I knew I wanted to include it in my blog today.

It's funny because usually when I see things like this on Facebook I tend to scroll past for some reason this morning I didn't. I read it. As soon as I had finished I smiled! A genuine, happy, 'I can do this' kind of smile and it really set me up for the rest of the day. No matter what happens in your life, whether yearly, monthly or daily you can always come out stronger and a much better person. There is always a chance to be yourself. Even when things don't go your way or things get screwed up - remember there's always a chance. The chance to change everything. As long as you remain yourself you will have nothing to worry about. So, start your day tomorrow with a smile and the knowing that you are you, regardless!
Moving on from that point - I thought this image was perfect to accompany it. We definitely choose who we want to be, I agree with that so much! And even the bad stuff make you who you are today. Which when you look at it in the grand scheme of things is pretty awesome! Just thinking about all the bad and crappy stuff that happens in your life and that all those make you into a much better person - just imagine how amazing you are when you combine all those bad things but all the incredible things that you have done. You sound like a pretty awesome person! So, with this in mind there should be nothing that stops you from doing anything! Especially following your dreams. Make yourself a better version of you. Make yourself happy. Make sure you do whatever you want to do! No matter what it is just do it. Follow your dreams and don't ever give up. You can do this!
An example of how I'm following my dreams and on the journey to making myself into a better version of me. If you see my previous blog, you will see that I have started my diet and exercise regime this week and everything's going good so far! This is something I have wanted to do for a long time and I finally feel like I am in the right frame of mind to do it. I can't wait to get fully into it and achieve the body I want in time for my girls holiday in June. All you need is a bit of courage and ambition, and you're good to go! Do something unexpected or even just something you have wanted to do for a long time. I can promise you it will automatically make you happy just by making the decision to do something.
Hope you've all had a fab Monday :) & that this Motivational Monday post was better and longer than last weeks. I'm now off to do some exercise, woo!
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