Happy Monday everyone!
Once again I have been pretty rubbish on the blogging front, but after this post you have four brand new posts to feast your eyes on! I hope you enjoy reading them, as much as I enjoy writing them.
I've been really looking forward to writing this blog post, but I've also been a little scared.
This is a topic I feel extremely strong about and I wanted to make sure I do it justice.
At first, I started writing some draft posts and then copy and paste it when I think it was perfect... But then I realised I didn't want this post to be perfect. I wanted it to be real.
I want this post and everything in it to come from my heart (and I assure you it is!)
I want the people who read this post to feel my passion, my emotion and my gratitude throughout this post and the only way to do that is to speak (or write) from the heart. So, here goes...
Aren't they a pain?
Don't you just hate people?
People just shouldn't exist!
People are horrible - people are rude - people are uncaring - people suck!
As much as I sometimes agree with these statements. Again, I am human and I do have weaknesses.
But I think they're all wrong.
People are amazing.
People are incredible
People should definitely exist
People are lovely - people are kind - people are caring - people are the best!
People are my motivation.
Those are the statements that run through my head often, and many people don't understand why but I do.
There are people in this world who are absolutely incredible, and no amount of words could ever do them justice, but here I am - trying to give them justice.
I am a huge believer in being nice. I have always been the 'nice one' and been described that way on more than one occasion. I used to get really offended by this because, well lets face it, no one wants to be called nice.
Then one day I didn't mind being called nice. I found out the true meaning of why people called me nice, and it wasn't because I was plain or boring or just an average joe. It was simply because I am a nice person. I love to see people smile. I love to see people happy. I love people in general and this is something I say and feel often - I love the fact it has started to be noticed by others.

This is relevant trust me.
Because of the way I am, I can't help but see the best in everyone. So, when people outshine themselves, or are kind to others I can't help but really 'get them'. The warmth and happiness I feel when I see people achieving incredible things or just being nice to others is indescribable.
People are MY motivation.
And they should be yours too.
People. Real people are amazing - I know I keep saying it but they truly are! God, the things people have done and achieved, simply because they believed in themselves and the work they were doing! I want to be one of those people. You should too!
I am not about to slag off the celebrity culture. I too, enjoy reading celebrity gossip and like to know the goings on in that world that I can't seem to understand. Who doesn't? But I cannot idolise these people.
At dinner with The Reporters' Academy we were asked to play a game.
We were asked to write down on a piece of paper who we would most like to interview. While others thought long and hard about their favourite people (either dead or alive) and found it hard to choose between all their choices... I had nothing.
I couldn't believe there was no one that sprung to mind. There were obvious ones (which were pointed out by my fellow diners) such as, Marilyn Monroe and Audrey Hepburn - and as much as I love these women and they did come into my mind, I couldn't think of any reasons of why I would want to interview them. They hadn't done anything for me to feel elated about.
As much as many of my fellow diners thought I was overthinking the simple game. I couldn't help but do so. I just couldn't believe I couldn't think of anyone I wanted to interview. We then opened up a conversation about it being someone who inspires you and I instantly thought of my mum. My mum inspires me everyday and she's not famous, well-known by millions nor has millions. But she has many qualities that I would rather know more about, than just another celebrity interview.
I then started to think about all the 'real people' in the world I would enjoy interviewing more than a celebrity - singer, actress or footballer.
So, here I am going to list all the 'real people' in this world who inspire me every single day.
The people who not only inspire me, but I just have a huge amount of respect for and they make me smile with all that they have done and what they are continuing to do.
I can only hope/wish that I can become as incredible as these individuals, because my god they are amazing. I hope their stories inspire you!
First of all, it just has to be Stephen Sutton.
Now, if you don't know who Stephen Sutton is then where the hell have you been?
Stephen has become an internet sensation with his on-going documentary of his life with cancer. Stephen's Story is an incredible Facebook and Twitter page which has every single thought, feeling, update and opinion throughout his time with cancer. And let me tell you, if you haven't seen it then you must go and read it!
When Stephen was diagnosed he made a bucket list. A bucket list of all the usual things, such as, skydiving, crowd surfing and hugging a animal bigger than him but then there was his main dream. To raise £10,000 for the Teenage Cancer Trust.
Stephen smashed this target, which wasn't surprising.
But when his cancer took a turn for the worst this week, which is told everyone on his Facebook page, the donations starting to flood in! With the help of comedian, Jason Manford, Stephen has managed to raise over £2million! Incredible. I was literally on the edge of my seat, refreshing my page every second, watching the total go up and up and up.
But that's not the only amazing thing about Stephen. Stephen has the most incredible attitude. There is no other word that can describe Stephen than as incredible. Every single day Stephen puts up a post on his Facebook or Twitter page - I smile from ear to ear, not only because he is surviving but because his attitude never fades.
His positivity is infectious!
I dare you to go onto his Facebook and Twitter pages and not feel a sense of pride. I am proud of Stephen and I don't even know him.
He inspires me, he motivates me to be the best version of me I can possibly be! He has shown me and many others that life is made for living and what is the point in living if you can't be happy.
I find it incredible that one young man has influenced a world of people. I also find it incredible that thousands of people came together to help Stephen reach his target - our society for that moment became a community! Now, that is something to be proud of.
People are great!
The second person who inspires me (and never fails to bring me to tears) is Lizzie Velasquez.
Now, most of you are probably sat there thinking "Who on earth is Lizzie Velasquez?"
Well, you may know her or know of her as the 'ugliest woman in the world'
Not a nice title is it. That's us, people, real people who have gave a real person that title - terrible.
Lizzie Velasquez is an incredible woman in my eyes, which makes her the most beautiful!
When everything could have brought Lizzie down, she came back fighting! Fighting harder, bigger and stronger than what any hater could ever do.
Lizzie has used her experiences to her advantage and it has made her one of the most influential motivational speakers in the world!
Anybody who can turn a negative into a positive is an amazing person. Not only is it inspiring to see it is also very, very brave! How many of you could honestly say you could fight back after being called the 'ugliest woman in the world' - I don't think I could!
Lizzie decided she wouldn't let the haters or the negative comments beat her, and chose to raise her voice and become known to everyone. I think it was the best thing she ever did! I could re-watch her motivational speeches over and over again!
Her key message is simple - how do YOU define yourself?
It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks of you.
It doesn't matter what anyone says about you.
It doesn't matter whether someone dislikes you, doesn't think you're beautiful, smart or interesting.
It only matters how YOU define YOURSELF!
I couldn't agree more. We are our own worst enemy, or worst critic and our worst hater and its hard enough not to listen to ourselves, let alone other people. Others and what they think/say/feel does not effect you. You are the only person you need to impress and please!
You're amazing not matter what or who you are.
You're amazing no matter what size you are or how pretty you are
Just like Lizzie, you are amazing and you're the only person you need to convince!
The Reporters' Academy - now these guys are much closer to home for me.
The Reporters' Academy is a production company for young people.
Young people from high school, college and university ages are what make up this company and they produce some incredible media pieces.
I have had the privilege and pleasure to have worked with The Reporters' Academy for around 6/7 years and I wouldn't change my experiences for the world.
This group of talented, inspirational individuals are not only a pleasure to work with, but inspire me everyday. Just reading and listening to their work, knowing what each individual is doing and what they have achieved makes me incredibly proud.
I am so proud to be part of a group or know a group so full of talent and love.
A group that know the definition of working hard and put 110% into everything that they do. These are the kids we should be talking about in the news - the ones who are making a difference.
There is nothing more satisfying than when people you know personally achieve what they want to achieve and they completely and utterly deserve it.
I seen a quote one day that said this
"They wanna see you do good, but never better than them. Remember that."
This quote made me so sad. I just don't know why anyone would actually think that about others. In this world we should concentrate on building one another up, encouraging each other to do the best we can possibly do in order to achieve the things we want.
If every single person I know achieves everything they want in their life, especially the guys at The Reporters' Academy, even if that means they become more successful than me, earn more money than me, see the world faster than me etc... I will be happy. I will be content. I will smile!
Because there is nothing more incredible than seeing someone achieve something they utterly deserve.
So, The Reporters' Academy inspire me and motivate me to work hard, but they also motivate me to be the motivator, to be happy, and continue doing what I am doing.
They are amazing. They show the true value of working hard.
I am SO proud of each and every one of them.
And finally,
I literally could have gone on and on in this blog post of all the people who inspire me everyday.
But, I had to end on this person.
They were mentioned very early on and it would be a crime not to mention her... My mum.
Now to you guys, my mum may seem like a pretty normal woman.
She works, she has her own home, she is married, has a family - you know, normal stuff.
But to me, she is incredible.
My mum is the epitome of strength.
She is, single handedly the strongest woman I know.
She works hard.
She looks after her family.
She puts people first.
She cares. she helps and she nurtures.
She is my mum.
I don't say it often enough but I am so proud of her.

The other day when I was ranting and raving about something (probably something silly, because I am a drama queen) she stopped me in the middle of my conversation and said "You sound like me. You become more like me every day."
We laughed. We laughed for a while. I think she thought I was offended.
But I wasn't.
I was overwhelmed.
There is no feeling in the world than when someone tells you, you are something you have always wanted to be. When someone gives you the ultimate complement and there is no way of wiping that smile (secret or not) off your face.
Now, as much as me and my mum are completely different. We have different outlooks, opinions, values and career choices. To be even put into the same category as my mum makes me proud.
If I can look back on my life and say I was as strong, determined, hard working and amazing as my own mother, I will be pretty damn happy.
Basically, if you take anything from this blog post it is to see who is around you and who influences you every single day, even if you have never noticed before.
Take time out of your day to look around at the real people in your life and see who inspires you, motivates you and makes you want to be a better person. If you do, I can honestly tell you, it will change your outlook on your day.
Be happy. Be kind. Be nice.
Keep smiling and keep being inspired.
P.s. Huge thank you to all the real people in my life who inspire me everyday and make me smile - keep doing what you're doing! You're awesome :)
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